

19-AW Collection

VOL.2 Dress

Vol.1 Casual

2019 Autumn Collection

Utility Traditional

Relax & Tailored

A feeling of profound Appearance and lightness when it is worn.
Coordinate well-balanced synthetic fibers and natural materials. Relaxed tailored and setup style.
Natural colors such as khaki and terracotta. Elegant shades of orchid pink.

  • Product Notes Japan –HIGAKI-MON–

    Moderate navy 3-piece style. The traditional Japanese weaving pattern, named “Higaki-mon”, has been used in special places to celebrate “HARE” days since ancient times, and it has the meaning of especially one. The trendy terracotta color incorporated on the tie gives a moderate accent.

    プロダクト・ノーツ・ジャパン –桧垣紋–


    Saxeblue shirts and terracotta colors match suit fabrics with a refreshing gradation by stripes. The material is a fabric made by DORMEUIL AMADEUS ACTION for TAKEOKIKUCHI ,which has a natural stretch while maintaining its elegant luster.

    ドーメル アマデウス・アクション
    ストライプによって爽やかなグラデーションが施されたスーツ生地に、サックスのシャツとテラコッタカラーがマッチ。素材は、品のある光沢感を保ちながらナチュラルなストレッチが効いた、DORMEUIL社AMADEUS ACTIONのタケオキクチ別注生地。

  • Product Notes Japan –SENBON KASURI KOSHI–

    Product Notes Japan, the pattern called “SENBON KASURI KOSHI” is a kind of braided pattern used for door and windows since ancient times, and also has the meaning of amulet.The gray suits add depth to the lattice weave pattern, and in combination with print ties and antique-like shoes, perfect for autumn.

    プロダクト・ノーツ・ジャパン –千本絣格子–
    Product Notes Japan(プロダクト・ノーツ・ジャパン)の「千本格子」と名づけた柄は、古来より扉や窓に用いられた組木模様に一種で、魔除けやお守りの意味合いもあります。グレーのスーツに格子の織り柄の凹凸が奥行きを与え、プリントタイとアンティーク調のシューズと相まって秋らしい装い。

  • MIYUKI Bemback®

    While the pattern-on-pattern V zone gives a profound feeling, MIYUKI Bemback® is used as the fabric. The wool yarn on the surface and the special double weaving technology on the back side of Bemberg® are more flexible and lighter than it looks. The new back body uses rain-resistant material with glossy nylon twill treated with TEFLON. The handle is made of genuine leather with Saffiano embossing, giving it a high-class feel.

    パターンオンパターンのVゾーンが重厚感を感じさせながらも、生地は日本の御幸毛織のMIYUKI Bemback®を採用。表面のウール糸と裏面のBemberg®の特殊な二重織りの技術で見た目以上にしなやかで軽やかな着心地。新作のバック本体は、光沢感のあるナイロンツイルにTEFLON加工を施した雨にも強い素材を採用。持ち手はサフィアーノ型押しを施した高級感がある本革を使用。


    The stylish stand collar coat is like a deep melange pattern. Realizes wool-like appearance and water repellency / stretch while being a synthetic fiber material.Equipped with a thermal down liner. The shirt is an English-style double-stripe cleric. Wearing colors and patterns moderately while maintaining business-friendly dignity.



    Jersey setup style made by INWOOL, Italy.In spite of appearance that reminiscent of british suit fabrics, the jersey-specific slacks are attractive. The fabric is a houndstooth pattern with a dark gray melange with vintage feeling of nep. Shoes that can be turned ON / OFF adopts an Italian mold sole.A structure that is light and absorbs shock when walking and is not fatigued.Scotch embossed leather can be used actively to prevent wrinkles.

    INWOOL ジャージ・セットアップ


    CITY SETTER series that proposes functional ON / OFF wear such as washable stretch. Expressing a fine melange with a high level of expression with advanced technology. Moderate stretch is effective and comfortable to wear.The simple and elaborate sneakers have a soft textured lamb leather patchwork.Slip-ons cordinate with the setup produce lightness.

    シティ・セッター テックストレッチメランジ セットアップ
    ウォッシャブル・ストレッチなど機能的なON/OFFのウェアを提案するCITY SETTERシリーズ。表情のある精細なメランジ感を高度な技術で表現。程よいストレッチが効いて、着心地も快適。シンプルながら手の込んだスニーカーは、ソフトな質感のラム革のパッチワーク仕様。セットアップに足元にあわせたスリッポンが軽快さを演出。

  • Product Notes Japan “NORITAKE” JERSEY SET UP

    From Product Notes Japan, focusing on traditional Japanese manufacturing, BISHU sticks to yarn, color and touch adopted jersey material jointly developed with "NORITAKE".Pursued a jersey with a sharp finish and relaxed comfort.Rucksack is an excellent material with a beautiful hairline and elegant atmosphere, but also water repellency. It has a simple and slim design that complements the material.

    プロダクト・ノーツ・ジャパン“ノリタケ” ジャージ・セットアップ
    日本の伝統的な物づくりに着目したProduct Notes Japanより、糸・色・タッチからこだわって尾州の名門「NORITAKE」と共同開発したジャージ素材を採用。ジャージながらシャープな仕上がりとリラックした着心地を追求しました。リュックは、美しいヘアラインが特徴的で上品な雰囲気ながら、撥水性も併せ持つ優れた素材。素材を引き立たせたシンプルかつスリムなデザインに。

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